27 August 2008

Public Transport

What is it with public transport?!

I get a train and a tram in to work and do my best to be courteous to those around me. Not everyone has the same idea it seems. One lad, sitting diagonally from me on the train had his music on ridiculously loud (I like to read during my commute and just can't concentrate when there's too much background noise). The same lad was munching away one some chewing-gum with his mouth open. You know when you try and block something out but you end up focussing only on the exact thing you're trying to block out? It was exactly like that!

As a result I only managed to get through about twenty pages or so of my new book, <i>Just As Well I'm Leaving</i> by Michael Booth.

I'll try and write a review of the last book I read - as promised in a previous post - tonight.
